The knee is a complex joint with several ligaments and cartilage providing joint support and stability. When any of those ligaments or cartilage is compromised, the knee becomes unstable, potentially causing pain and making it difficult to perform common movements like bending, sitting or walking. Physical therapy can help alleviate the symptoms causes by various knee ailments.
What we Treat:
- Chronic Knee Pain
- Chondromalacia and Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Arthritis
- Meniscal Tear
- Baker’s Cyst
- IT Band Syndrome
- Hamstring, Quadricep, Adductor Strain
- ACL Repair
- Osgood-Schlatters Disease
- Total Knee ReplacemenT
Components of Your Care:
- Biomechanics evaluation
- Manual Therapy: to reduce joint stiffness, promote muscle relaxation, and pain relief
- Walking Retraining
- Balance Exercises
- Shoe Orthoses and Sneaker Fit Assessment